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A new study: what career success looks like between men and women

June 23 2016 - A new study with 2000 workers in the UK on gender equality in the workplace, conducted by REED, has revealed some interesting results. The good news is that the gap appears to be closing over the last 50 years.

However, the study did find that on average women strive for success earlier than men in life. Furthermore, salary expectations for women were less than men's with women equating success with a salary of £54,000 compared to nearly £58,000 for men's.

The study illustrated below reveals many other statistics of interest. Although the situation has improved over the last half century, there is still controversy - particularly over wages. A difference in pay of £4000 might not seem too significant, but over a life time, it could be argued that this is considerable. This can also have an effect on pensions and the rate of poverty amongst older women later on in life.

A predominant factor in this difference in wages has shown to be the influence of stereotypes and traditions. For more improvements to be made, it could be argued that society still has a way to go.

A day in the life - What men and women think career success looks like

Infographic by



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